
“…Already renowned for its performances of English music, the Rutland Sinfonia extended its considerable expertise to the best of British on Saturday via a stunning concert at Oakham School Chapel…”   Rutland and Stamford Mercury

The Rutland Sinfonia is an amateur orchestra based in Oakham, but there is nothing ‘amateur’ about the quality of our performances. In 2016/2017, we celebrated the 40th Season since Barry Collett, our Conductor Emeritus, founded the Sinfonia. Our aim is still to bring high quality, enjoyable and inspiring performances of orchestral music to smaller towns and villages in rural areas in and around Rutland.

The Sinfonia presents imaginative programmes of music for medium to large orchestra, with popular classical works, lesser known pieces, solo works and music from the Movies and Musicals. Our players, with our inspirational Music Director Paul Hilliam, Associate Conductor David Calow, Leader Katherine Collison and our excellent soloists make a great team.

We give four concerts each season. In recent seasons that has included two in Oakham Chapel in Oakham and two in St Peter’s Church, Oundle. Both are excellent for performance and we are very grateful to Oakham School for enabling us to have the Chapel as our Oakham venue. The programme of concerts for the 2019/20 season is fantastic and hopefully includes something to interest everyone. Please see the 2019/20 season page for details of the programmes and dates. (There is on street parking and readily accessible car parks nearby at both venues).

Just as we welcome young people in the Orchestra, we also welcome families and young people, and their friends, in our audiences. We are always interested in suggestions and ideas, and our thanks go to those who complete and leave the feed back forms. Also see our Contact Us page to leave feed back, or to let us know if you are interested in playing with the Orchestra. So, if you are not yet a regular, do please come to our concerts, and judge for yourself. Please tell your friends what they are missing and encourage them to come as well and join us in our journey along the enjoyable, wonderful and fascinating main highways and occasional byways of the orchestral repertoire. You will not be disappointed.

In our 35th Anniversary season, we were delighted to announce Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, Dr. Laurence Howard OBE, J.P. as the orchestra’s Honorary President. We are pleased that Sir Laurence Howard KCVO OBE continues to be our Honorary President for the 2021/22 season.

In 2012, The Elgar Society awarded The Society’s medal, its highest honour to Conductor Emeritus, the late Barry Collett for his pioneering work in both performance and recording- to ensure that light shone on the more neglected areas of Elgar’s output, as well as his more mainstream works. Our many congratulations went to Barry on this most prestigious and well deserved award, and to the Sinfonia for their contribution to his lifetimes dedication and achievement.

We also want to thank our audience, sponsors, advertisers and Friends for their support which is vital to our continued existence. If you would like to offer sponsorship or wish to advertise your company in our programmes please go to the Sponsors tab above and contact the Orchestra Secretary. If you are interested in becoming a Rutland Sinfonia Friend please go to the Friends tab above. Your Orchestra needs your help.

The Rutland Sinfonia is a Registered Charity in England and Wales. The Orchestra well known for its association with many local charites and over the years has supported LOROS, Royal British Legion, Batten Disease Family Association, Rutland Lions, Shine and the Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance to name but a few.